Patrick W. McAfee


Research Technician emeritus

Curriculum Vitae

Undergraduate Wright State University, 2006-09

My main interest are in landscape ecology, evolution, and conservation biology. More specifically, I am interested in how remote sensing and spatial statistics can be used to evaluate interactions between spatial patterns and different ecological processes. My current work in the Bahn lab is focused on improving bird distribution models through the aggregation of USGS land cover variables. Additionally, we are also working to recreate paleo distributions of the genus Anas during the last glacial maximum using occurrence, environmental, and genetic data.

I completed my B.S. in environmental sciences in August of 2009 at Wright State University. During my undergraduate program I worked as a research assistant in John Stireman�s Lab of Insect Ecology studying parasitoid-caterpillar interactions. The time spent working with Dr. Stireman was an awesome experience, but I felt that larger scale studies were more suited to my scientific goals. After taking some courses in remote sensing I became greatly interested in understanding how vast amounts of data acquired via satellite could be used to study ecology and protect the environment. In my efforts to gain more experience in spatial analysis I stumbled upon Dr. Bahn�s research in distribution modeling. Near the end of my senior year I started work as a research assistant for Dr. Bahn who then hired me on fulltime after the completion of my degree. I plan on attending graduate school once my year long contract here at Wright State has expired.

Before pursuing my education in environmental sciences I worked as musician and guitar instructor. I enjoy playing music, rock climbing, riding my motorcycle, hanging with my girlfriend Sarah and our two dogs (Jasmine and Arrow), and raising money to help procure research in the Amazonian rainforest.

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